Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Update on Rapunzel bedroom

We started on the room and I have everything planned out for it. Some things are done but I am waiting on some wall art in the mail. I am really exited to show you all the final product. It is coming together really awesome. We got the bunk beds but have to paint them. I am going to paint them white with a lighter purple than the walls for a two tone effect. The borders are all painted yellow and I used lighter yellow on top of that to make it look like hair. I put some flowers on the border as well to make it look like her hair all braided up. The lanterns are there just not hung yet because I am waiting on the picture in the mail. I am not posting any pics until it is all finished although I am tempted to. I am getting the window treatments at Lowes. I also have a few surprises that make the room special that I picked up at various stores. I am so exited to finish this room and to get it on here. Have a great week.


Grandma Bonnie said...

I love what I saw so far of the room I can't wait to see the finished photos.

Terri's Little Haven said...

I want to see the pics :). I will check back to see how it looks. I love redecorating rooms however my office is taking forever so I'm not loving that part too much :).
Happy Birthday to you!